Questions concerning reservation and booking

Can I also book on short notice? How does the booking continue then?
A short-term booking is possible at any time with Holiday Home. The best thing to do is give us a call. Please give us an email address so that we can send you the invoice and the rental voucher as soon as possible. You pay the invoice amount in cash to your bank and send us the confirmation. We will send you your rental voucher. In general you are able to book one day before your vacation is supposed to start.

Is an online reservation obligatory?
Basically no. However, this depends on the respective provider. For most properties, you can choose between "non-binding reservations" and "permanent reservations". The corresponding options will be displayed in the booking dialog depending on their availability. A reservation only ensures that no one else can reserve this house while you calmly compare price and performance. Since our prices are usually the cheapest, we would like to give you enough time to compare these on the market. You will only enter into a binding reservation once you have confirmed your online reservation by email, post or telephone. Please pay attention to the expiry date of the reservation. If your reservation has not been received by the expiration date, anyone else can freely book again. Just give us a call and we will extend the duration of the free reservation. A firm booking, on the other hand, is immediately binding and you do not have to do anything else. You will receive your booking confirmation from us in the next few days after booking.

Am I supposed to send you the rental contract or is it enough to reserve online?
To make your online reservation binding, you can choose from the following options: A call during office hours is sufficient to make your online reservation binding. Confirm your reservation by replying by email to the confirmation email that you received after the online reservation. Print out, sign and send to us by email or post the placement order created during the online reservation.

Can I call to make a booking?
A call during our office hours (see contact box at the top right) is sufficient to make your online reservation binding.

How long does it take until I get an answer from you?
A confirmation usually needs 1-2 days. Before a saison starts or when you book a hotel or a higly demanded object we generally wait for the verification from the house owner so everything is clear from the very first. This might take up to 3 working days. Unfortunately some house owners even need some more time. But that is very exceptional. It has always been our goal to provide the highest possible standard of safety for all our contract partners. We get very few complaints and are working on reducing them to zero.

I can not print out my rental contract.
If you do not have a printer or if the printout fails, please use our hotline (see contact box at the top right). You can then confirm your online reservation by phone.

Am I able to add or cancel persons later?
Basically, a holiday property may only be used with the registered number of people. If people join you later or no longer travel with you, please inform your landlord through us. We will inform the landlord of this change so that he can make appropriate preparations. Bookings beyond the maximum number of people can be requested from the landlord in individual cases. If this is possible, he will hardly object - he would like to win you as a guest. But it's his house and he decides. In some cases, surcharges are charged for additional people. A fee can be charged for this extra work.

Do we get an insurance for package holidays?
YES, for every holiday package you will receive an insurance voucher by the respective insurer (insurance or bank). Hotels and holiday homes do not count as package holidays, as long as the arrival is arranged. An insurance voucher is not possible then.

Do children count as a standard person?
Yes, children are counted among adults in touristical terms. In tourism beds and seats are important. What matters is the maximum amount of people. The calculation of the house owner is about if his guests are adults and children. Most of the house owners make a mixed calculation and count on people with children.

The object was indicated to be available on the internet, why is it not confirmed?
This might happen shortly before the beginning of the main season if the house owner has already taken a booking request from another country parallelly with yours. He often announces this booking as soon as it is ensured by the money receipt from the bank. That is how a overlapping can occur. We gladly help you to find another house.

Is the vacation object really available?
When you put in your duration of travelling and a check mark in the option "only available objects" the search engine will just list you objects that are reported to be available. Those objects can be reserved immediately.

When do I receive the rental voucher and how do I get to my vacation object?
The voucher will be sent to you as soon as all the due payments have arrived in the booking country. It will be sent the earliest 4 weeks before your vacation starts, to be as up-to-date as possible. On the voucher you can find a "getting here"-suggestion from the next bigger city. It is the best to plan the exact route 1-2 days before travelling. Route planer will help you with that. The search engine has proved itself to be the best, where you can find "Routes" in the left menu. Afterwards you can take a look on all the popular routes in Europe free of charge. Additional overnight stays in between can also be booked here.

The minimum lenght of a stay is 1 week. Is it possible to book for a shorter periode, too?
All periods shown can be booked. There are no mandatory minimum stays, unless the landlord expressly requests this. The periods shown as bookable can also be booked without surcharges.

What happens if my object is not confirmed by the house/hotel keeper?
If your property is not confirmed, you can withdraw free of charge upon repayment of any down payments that may have been made or rebook to an alternative of your choice.

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