Questions about arrival and departure
When will I get the travel documents and the exact address of the holiday property?
The key address and travel recommendation are on your rental voucher. You will receive this after receipt of all payments due in the country of booking, but no earlier than 4 weeks before departure, so that your tips and information are up to date.
Will I get a arrival description?
Of course. With your rental voucher, you will receive a travel recommendation from the nearest major city in your holiday region. Take your time to check them out and ask your booking agency any questions you may have. They will be happy to help you free of charge.
When an how occurs the arrival?
The exact information about the location and the time requested by the landlord can be found on your rental voucher, which will be sent to you automatically after receipt of all payments due prior to arrival. For reasons of topicality, however, no earlier than 4 weeks before arrival. You will also find the landlord's telephone number on the rental voucher, with whom you can discuss any deviations.