Apartments & holiday homes for vacation on the Arezzo province

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Recommended holiday homes & holiday apartments for you on the Arezzo province

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Accommodation with terrace or balcony

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Accommodation with pool

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Accommodation with WiFi

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Arezzo province

The province differs from other Tuscan provinces in its isolated location and has retained its Etruscan origin to this day. Near places such as Poppi, Cortona, Bibbiena, Anghiari or Sanspolcro, remarkable excursion destinations.

Vacation in the area area

The city of Arezzo ...
belongs to the largest cities in Tuscany. Located on a hill, it offers many historical sights, such as the cathedral and the Medici fortress. The wonderful view of the surrounding valleys and rivers is also very worth seeing. Arezzo is world famous for his handicrafts, especially for the jewelry industry. Visitors also appreciate the city's antique transactions. In June or September you should never miss ""La Giostra del Saracino"". This medieval spectacle has a long tradition and represents a equestrian game in which attempts are made to hit the “Saracino” with a lance.

The province of arezzo ...
differs completely from the other Tuscan provinces. One reason for this is certainly the geographical location: in the north-east, between the Casenino, the Chiana Valley and the Tiber Valley, far-almost isolated from the other Tuscan provinces-on the border with the brands and Umbria. Another reason why Arezzo differs so much from the other Tuscan cities is that Arezzo has kept its Etruscan origin to this day. Fortezza medicea). Historical personalities such as the Poet Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374), Piero Della Francesca (1416-1492) with his fresco cycle-the Legenda della Croce (German: Kreuzlegende)-in the Church of San Francesco, and Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), The founder of art history and builder of the Uffizien have left their mark here.

Excursion recommendation

Casa Vasari
Birthplace of the architect Giorgio Vasari

Dom S. Donato

Pieve S. Maria

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