{"baseUrl":"\/en","language":"en","currency":{"code":"CZK","symbol":"K\u010d"},"translations":{"accommodation.iconlist.bedroom2To4":"BR","accommodation.iconlist.bedroomFrom5":"BR","accommodation.iconlist.bedroomSingular":"BR","accommodation.iconlist.people2To4":"Pers.","accommodation.iconlist.peopleFrom5":"Pers.","accommodation.iconlist.peopleSingular":"Pers.","accommodations.title":"3 offers","availableButtonExtended":"Get me a quote","availableButtonShort":"Available?","availableButtonShortBooked":"Book now","booking.acceptSelection":"Approve","booking.arrival":"Your arrival","booking.arrivalPlaceholder":"Select arrival date","booking.bestPrice":"The best offer for you","booking.bookNow":"Book now","booking.bookNowInformation":"You will be forwarded to our booking page.","booking.calendar.monthSelectIcon":"fhn-icon-arrow-1","booking.calendarAccept":"Apply","booking.calendarMinStay2To4":"Minimum stay: %1 nights","booking.calendarMinStayFrom5":"Minimum stay: %1 nights","booking.calendarMinStaySingular":"Minimum stay: %1 night","booking.calenderAcceptButtonStateArrival":"Select arrival date","booking.calenderAcceptButtonStateDeparture":"Select departure date","booking.countAdults":"Number of adults","booking.countChildren":"Number of children","booking.countPets":"Number of pets","booking.departure":"Your departure","booking.departurePlaceholder":"Select departure date","booking.goToSuggestion":"Go to offer","booking.guests":"Guests","booking.guests.icons.adult":"fhn-icon-adults","booking.guests.icons.child":"fhn-icon-kids","booking.guests.icons.nopets":"fhn-icon-pets-not-allowed","booking.guests.icons.pet":"fhn-icon-pets","booking.guestTotalLabel2To4":"%1 guests","booking.guestTotalLabelFrom5":"%1 guests","booking.guestTotalLabelSingular":"%1 guest","booking.includedServices":"Included in the price","booking.labelAdults":"Adult","booking.labelChildren":"Children","booking.labelPets":"Pets","booking.maxAdultInfoText2To4":"Up to %1 adults and children under the age of 12","booking.maxAdultInfoTextFrom5":"Up to %1 adults and children under the age of 12","booking.maxAdultInfoTextSingular":"Up to %1 adults","booking.maxPetInfoText2To4":"and %1 Pets","booking.maxPetInfoTextFrom5":"and %1 Pets","booking.maxPetInfoTextSingular":"and %1 Pet","booking.minimumStay":"Minimum stay","booking.offerAndTips":"Offers and information","booking.onInvoice":"Additional services - Please pay before arrival","booking.price.from":"from","booking.pricePreview2To4":"rental price for %1 nights","booking.pricePreviewFrom5":"rental price for %1 nights","booking.pricePreviewSingular":"rental price for %1 night","booking.priceTotal2To4":"Total price for %1 nights","booking.priceTotalFrom5":"Total price for %1 nights","booking.priceTotalSingular":"Total price for %1 night","booking.reserve":"Optional reservation for 24 hours.","booking.reserveInformation":"You will receive a reminder by email, before the reservation expires.","booking.showAllSuggestions":"See more Accommodations","booking.specialServices":"Additional services - Please pay on site","booking.stepOne":"Enter your travel date","booking.suggestionsTitle2To4":"Other %1 accommodations matching to your travel dates","booking.suggestionsTitleFrom5":"Other %1 accommodations matching to your travel dates","booking.suggestionsTitleSingular":"Other accommodation that matches to your travel dates\r\n","booking.travelDates":"Date of travel","destination.at":"Austria","destination.cz":"Czech Republic","destination.de":"Germany","destination.hr":"Croatia","destination.hu":"Hungary","destination.it":"Italy","entryImage.icons.magnify":"fhn-icon-search","entryImage.icons.share":"fhn-icon-share","error.text.decision":"Please go back to the previous page and try again or try one of the following","error.text.info":"That unfortunately did not work.","error.text.title":"404 - Page not found","facilities.characteristics.title":"Facilities","facilities.description.expandIcon":"fhn-icon-arrow-1","facilities.description.title":"Beschreibung","favorites.accommodation.enexpectedError":"An unexpected error occurred with the following property:\"","favorites.accommodation.errorHelpText":"You can enter the code in the search to get to the accommodation.","favorites.button":"Wish List","favorites.noAccommodationsInfoText":"Set favorites to remember vacation rentals","favorites.savedXAccommodations":"offers noted","favorites.unexpectedError":"Sorry, something unexpected went wrong","footer.advertisement.becomeTenant":"Sign Up","footer.advertisement.locations":"Holiday homes all over Europe and USA","footer.advertisement.yourPortal":"Your property on all channels.","footer.advertisment.becomeTenant.link":"https:\/\/portal.holidayhome.net\/portal\/sign-in\/en\/","footer.advertisment.holidayHomeIcon.link":"https:\/\/www.holiday-home.org\/en\/","footer.apps.apple":"https:\/\/apps.apple.com\/de\/app\/holiday-home-ferienhauser\/id824810041?ign-mpt=uo%3D4","footer.apps.google":"https:\/\/play.google.com\/store\/apps\/details?id=de.holiday.home","footer.apps.info":"Download Holidayhome.net app now and manage all destinations at a glance.","footer.backToTop":"Back to top","footer.cookiePolicy.title":"Cookie Policy","footer.copyright":"\u00a9 2024 Holidayhome.net","footer.dataPolicy.html":"<div id=\"c19647\" class=\"csc-frame csc-frame-default\"><span class=\"blindtitle\" style=\"display:none;\">Privacy Policy<\/span><h1>Privacy Policy - Are we safe enough for?<\/h1><h2>Your vacation is a matter of trust<\/h2><p>One of our key principles is to respect the privacy of our customers and partners. This also includes the use of data from your visit to our website.<\/p><p>The right of individuals to informational self-determination is derived from the general right. Its protection is intended by legislation. Our website is designed in accordance with data privacy legislation. You as an internet user want to protect your privacy for sure. We can assure you the following legislations:<\/p><ul><li>On all holiday home websites, you can remain anonymous.<\/li> <li>We respect your privacy rights, particularly your right to information about data storing.<\/li> <li>Our employees are sworn to secrecy.<\/li> <li>Our security measures are of course the current state of the art.<\/li><\/ul><h2>From this we derive:<\/h2><p>1.Your data<\/p><p>To ensure the chosen services, we collect some personal information about you.<\/p><p><b>As a customer,<\/b><\/p><ul><li>when you make a reservation or send a request, either on the website or by phone or email.<\/li> <li>when you sign up for our newsletter.<\/li> <li>if you participate in a lottery*<\/li> <li>if you submit a review*<\/li> <li>if you use the live chat*<\/li> <li>if you use our callback service*<\/li><\/ul><p>(* if available)<\/p><p><b>As owner, travel agent or affiliate,<\/b><\/p><ul><li>if you register with us.<\/li><\/ul><p>The personal information when booking includes name, date of birth (to check the business ability), address, telephone, fax number (if available) and email address. This information is exclusively for the processing of booking and used for administrative purposes in anonymized form for internal analysis. The information for travelers can also affect third parties (fellow travelers). Therefore it is necessary that all information relating to other travelers are provided with the consent of those persons.<\/p><p>To process the booking, the personal data will be forwarded to the responsible tour operator.<\/p><p>Your e-mail address will be used for advertising purpose when you sign up for the newsletter until you unsubscribe. You can unsubscribe at any time.<\/p><p>According to the Federal Data Protection Act you have the right to have free information about your stored data and in certain circumstances the right to rectification, blocking or erasure of data.<\/p><p>We save the contract text and send you the order details by email. Here you can read the terms and conditions of holiday home at any time. You will receive the terms and conditions of the tour operator with the confirmation of the organizer itself.<\/p><p>The contract language is german or the language you have chosen before booking.<\/p><p>2. We adapt to you.<\/p><p> Please immediately get in touch with the <a href=\"mailto:geschaeftsleitung@holiday-home.org\" title=\"Email to the management\">company management<\/a>, if any of these safety directives have been disregarded. We will contact you right away to inform you about the way of the measure.<\/p><p><b>3. Privacy Policy<\/b><\/p><p>When you use the website www.holiday-home.org <b>Cookies<\/b> are set. We have left a Cookie on your computer for security reasons. This helps you not to re-enter certain information while using the site you visit. Furthermore it helps us to optimize the website. For that reason we collect data in an anonymous form about the use of our website, such as the origin domain, the number of site views, length of stay, etc. This information is used for statistical and market research purposes and will not be forwarded to third parties.<\/p><p> A Cookie is a small file containing text information and is transmitted from a web server to your web browser (e.g. MS Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc.). This information does not exceed 4000 characters (bytes) and will never run from your browser as a program. The cookie can contain neither programs nor viruses.<\/p><p>Without the acceptance of Cookies, the use of our website unfortunately is not entirely possible (e.g. the comparison of objects). We recommend to permanently enable cookies for www.holiday-home.de. Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. However, you can enable the storing of Cookies and set your browser to inform you when Cookies are being sent.<\/p><h3><b>Google Analytics \/ Google Remarketing \/ Adwords \/ DoubleClick<\/b><\/h3><p>This website uses Google Analytics and Google Remarketing. These are services provided by Google, Inc. <a href=\"http:\/\/www.google.com\/\" title=\"Google\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">\"Google\"<\/a>. Google uses \"Cookies\". The information generated by the Cookie about your use of this website is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. In the case of activation of the IP anonymization on this website, your IP address will be truncated within Member States of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases the complete IP address is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other with website and internet related services to the website operator. Undertaken as part of Google Analytics that your IP address is not associated with any other data held by Google. You may refuse the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser, we would point out, however, that you can optionally use to their full extent in this case not all features of this website. You can prevent the data generated by the Cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and the processing of these data by Google, also by using the following link (http:\/\/ tools.google.com \/ dlpage \/ gaoptout? hl = en Download) available browser plug-in and install it.<\/p><p>In addition this site uses Google Analytics to analyze data from AdWords and DoubleClick Cookie for statistical purposes. This can be canceled at any time by Default display manager. <a href=\"http:\/\/www.google.de\/intl\/en\/policies\/privacy\/\" title=\"Privacy Policy from Google\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">Privacy Policy from Google<\/a><\/p><h3><b>etracker<\/b><\/h3><p>On this website Data for marketing and optimization purposes will be collected and stored by using the technologies of etracker GmbH (<a href=\"https:\/\/www.etracker.com\/en\/solutions\/overview.html\" title=\"www.etracker.com\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">www.etracker.com<\/a>). Aus diesen Daten k\u00f6nnen unter einem Pseudonym Nutzungsprofile erstellt werden. From these data, user profiles can be created under a pseudonym. For this cookies may be used. Cookies are small text files that are stored locally in the cache of the Internet browser of the site visitor. The cookies allow the recognition of the web browser. The data, which are compiled by the technologies of etracker, will not be used without the acceptance of the person concerned for identifying the site visitor personally and will not be merged with personal data about the bearer of the pseudonym. The data collection and storage can be revoked at any time with future effect.<\/p><h3><b>Facebook<\/b> (Source: <a href=\"http:\/\/spreerecht.de\/datenschutz\/2010-10\/das-rechtliche-risiko-bei-facebooks-like-button-inkl-muster-fuer-die-datenschutzerklaerung\" title=\"rechtsanwalt-schwenke.de\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">rechtsanwalt-schwenke.de<\/a>)<\/h3><p>Our website uses <b>social plugins<\/b> (\"plugins\") of the social network facebook.com, which is operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (\u201cFacebook\u201d). The plugins are in one of the Facebook logo visible (white \"f\" on a blue tile or a \"thumbs up\" sign) or by the words \"Facebook Social Plugin\" marked. The list and the appearance of the Facebook social plugins can be found here: <a href=\"http:\/\/developers.facebook.com\/plugins\" title=\"Appearance of the Facebook social plugins\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">http:\/\/developers.facebook.com\/plugins<\/a>. When you visit a website of our internet presence which contains such a plugin, your browser will set up a direct connection to the Facebook servers. The contents of the plugin will be directly sent from Facebook to your browser and integrated in the website. We therefore have no impact on the amount of data that Facebook collects with the help of this plugin and inform you accordingly to our knowledge: By integrating the plugin Facebook receives the information that the appropriate page on our site has been called. Are you logged into Facebook, Facebook can allocate the site visit to your Facebook account. When you interact with the plugins, for example pressing the Like Button or making a comment, the appropriate information is sent directly from your browser and stored on Facebook. If you are not a member of Facebook, there is the possibility that Facebook gets your IP address and stores it. Purpose and scope of the data collection and further processing and use of data by Facebook as well as your rights and settings for protecting your privacy, please refer to the privacy policies of Facebook: <a href=\"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/about\/privacy\/\" title=\"Privacy policy notes of Facebook\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">http:\/\/www.facebook.com\/policy.php<\/a>. If you are a member of Facebook and do not want that Facebook collects information about you and links them to your member information, which are stored on Facebook, we request you to log out before you visit our website on Facebook. Besides it is possible to block Facebook-Social-Plugins with Add-ons for you browse, for example the \"Facebook Blocker\". With the use of our websites you agree with these principles.<\/p><h3><b>Google+<\/b> (Source: <a href=\"http:\/\/spreerecht.de\/google-plus\/2011-07\/das-rechtliche-risiko-bei-googles-1-button-inkl-muster-fuer-die-datenschutzerklaerung\" title=\"rechtsanwalt-schwenke.de\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">rechtsanwalt-schwenke.de<\/a>) <\/h3><p>Our website uses the \"+1\" from the social network Google Plus, which is run by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (\"Google\") . The plugins are identifiable by the \"+1\" on a white or colored background. When you visit a site of our website that contains a social plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection to the Google servers. The content of the \"+1\" button is transmitted from Google directly to your browser which embeds the latter into the website. Therefore we have no impact on the amount of data that Google collects. According to Google, no personal information is collected without clicking on the button. Only for members who are logged-in, data including IP address are collected and processed.Please have a look at Google's privacy policy to the \"+1\" button <a href=\"http:\/\/www.google.com\/intl\/de\/+\/policy\/+1button.html\" title=\"Google +1 button\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">http:\/\/www.google.com\/intl\/de\/+\/policy\/+1button.html<\/a> to find out about the purpose and scope of data collection and the further processing and use of data by Google as well as your rights and setting options and the FAQ: <a href=\"https:\/\/support.google.com\/plus\/answer\/1319578?hl=en&rd=1\" title=\"Google privacy policy notes faq\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">http:\/\/support.google.com\/plus\/bin\/answer.py?hl=de&answer=1319578&rd=1<\/a>. If you are a Google Plus Member and do not want that Google collects information about you to link it to your stored member data while visiting our website, you have to logout from your Google Plus Account before visiting our website.<\/p><h3><b>Integration of services and content of third <\/b>(Source: <a href=\"http:\/\/rechtsanwalt-schwenke.de\/smmr-buch\/datenschutz-muster-generator-fuer-webseiten-blogs-und-social-media\/\" title=\"rechtsanwalt-schwenke.de\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">rechtsanwalt-schwenke.de<\/a>) <\/h3><p>It is possible that within this online offer third party content such as video YouTube, maps from Google Maps, RSS feeds or graphics are integrated from other websites. This always requires that the provider of such content (hereinafter referred to as \"third-party\") knows the IP address of the user. Without the IP address the provider could not send the content to the browser of each user. The IP address is required for the presentation of such content. We try to use only content of which we know that providers use the IP address only to the delivery the content. However, we have no control if the third-party save the IP address for example for statistical purposes. Insofar as we are informed, we clarify the users about it.<\/p><h3><b>Google Tag Manager<\/b><\/h3><p>This website uses Google Tag Manager. With that, site-tags can be managed over a surface. The Tag Manager tool itself (which implements the tags) is a cookieless domain and does not collect any personal data. The tool provides the release of other tags, in turn they collect the data under certain circumstances. Google Tag Manager does not have access to the data. If deactivation was performed on a domain or Cookie it remains for all tracking tags that are implemented with Google Tag Manager. <a href=\"http:\/\/www.google.de\/intl\/en\/policies\/privacy\/\" title=\"Privacy Policy from Google\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">Privacy Policy from Google<\/a><\/p><h3><b>Visual Website Optimizer<\/b><\/h3><p>This website uses Visual Website Optimizer <a href=\"http:\/\/visualwebsiteoptimizer.com\/\" title=\"Visual Website Optimizer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">http:\/\/visualwebsiteoptimizer.com<\/a>. For the determination of statistical parameters for the use of quotations. Anonymously datas are collected. For this test Cookies are used for the recognition of computer systems. The duration of the collection of Cookies is limited to the duration of the test. It does not store IP addresses. You can object to the storage of the collected anonymous data at any time <a href=\"http:\/\/visualwebsiteoptimizer.com\/opt-out.php\" title=\"Visual Website Optimizer\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">http:\/\/visualwebsiteoptimizer.com\/opt-out.php<\/a>. <\/p><h3><b>Newsletter<\/b> (Source: <a href=\"http:\/\/rechtsanwalt-schwenke.de\/smmr-buch\/datenschutz-muster-generator-fuer-webseiten-blogs-und-social-media\/\" title=\"rechtsanwalt-schwenke.de\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"external-link-new-window\">rechtsanwalt-schwenke.de<\/a>) <\/h3><p>The newsletter keeps you informed about us and our offers. If you would like to receive the newsletter, we require a valid email address and information that allows us to verify that you are the owner of the email address or that the owner agrees to receive the newsletter. There are no more data collected. The collected data will be used only to send the newsletter and will not be disclosed to third parties. By registering for the newsletter we collect your IP address and the date of registration. This storage is solely for the proof in case that a third party abused an email address and logs without knowledge of the person entitled to receive the newsletter. Your consent to the storage of data, e-mail address and use it to send the newsletter can be canceled at any time. The revocation can be made by a link in the newsletter itself, on your profile area or by notice to the above contact details.<\/p><h3>Changes<\/h3><p>If we decide to change our policies on privacy and data protection, we will post those changes on this page. So you can always be aware of what information we collect, how we collect it and under what circumstances we use it. Tell us if we proceed to your satisfaction!<\/p><p>We will gladly answer your questions. The addresses can be found in the <a href=\"https:\/\/www.holiday-home.org\/en\/legal-notice\/\" title=\"imprint\" class=\"internal-link\">imprint<\/a>.<\/p><h3>Contact<span style=\"font-size: 12px; \"> <\/span><\/h3><table class=\"csc-frame-frame1 csc-frame-frame2\"> <thead> <tr> <th scope=\"col\">Operator of the website<\/th> <\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Holiday Home AG<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Hinterbergstrasse 56<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>CH-6312 Steinhausen<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Switzerland<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Entry in the commercial register Zug: CH-<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Tax ID: CHE-114.435.942<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Telefon: +41-41-5601214<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Fax: +41-41-5601299<\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table><\/div>","footer.dataPolicy.title":"Privacy Policy","footer.dataPolicy.url":"https:\/\/www.holiday-home.org\/en\/privacy-policy\/","footer.employee.image":"https:\/\/images.holidayhome.net\/contact\/alessia-ambesi-holiday-home-new.jpg","footer.gtc.html":"<div id=\"c19646\" class=\"csc-frame csc-frame-default\"><h1>General Terms and Conditions of intermediation (GTC)<\/h1><p><b>Furniture<\/b><\/p><p>The holiday houses and holiday apartment were built and furnished according to the individual taste of the owner. Occasionally they are equipped simply and practically. It is possible that less furniture is available than usual at home. Even if a tv set is available, it is not a certainty that English-speaking programs are provided as well. In case of hot water supply by boiler, showers depend on its capacity. <\/p><p><b>Property descriptions<\/b><\/p><p>The property descriptions were drawn up with great care. These are based on information from the landlord and correspond to the information available at the time ofwriting the property description. There can be slight linguistic modifications in caseof translations that are quite close to the actual subject (such as descriptions of out-door fireplaces). Many landlords upgrade or modernize their house or estate. Thus, slight changes may arise. If these changes are relevant, the landlord is obliged to in-form the tenant. The respective property description starts with a total list of livingand bedrooms, the habitable surface and the maximum capacity. Then the equipment will follow in detail.<\/p><p><b>Beds and closets<\/b><\/p><p>The beds correspond to the standards of the respective country. In case of additional beds these are in general folding beds, couches, folding chairs and smaller futons. Walk-in closets are not largely dimensioned in holiday houses. You cannot assume the availability of one closet for each person. It is advisable to bring along bed linen, dish towels as well as hand and bath towels. Full details are given in the property description. <\/p><p><b>Estates<\/b><\/p><p>Many estates are natural sites. Please note that trees and bushes might be found thereon and that not everything is at individual or common disposal. It also might happen that indicated views are hidden by trees, bushes and fences. Garden furniture is not always available in the maximum number of guests. Normally there is one table and two chairs available. Due to the naturalness of some rental properties, it might occur insects (e.g. mosquitoes, flies, spiders, ants). Cobwebs sometimes arise over-night. Loose cats and dogs might not be prevented from entering the estate. The landlord assumes no liability for vehicles parked on the estate. <\/p><div><p><b>Domestic animals<\/b><\/p><p>The stay of domestic animals is regulated in the respective property description. At booking, each animal must always be registered by kind and size, even if it is allowed according to the description. The permission generally applies to only one animal. Depending on the transit and destination country, you should apply for the relevant certificates, attestations and animal identifications before arrival and demonstrate these documents when crossing border. If pets are not allowed, that does not neccessarily mean that you do not have to face domestic animals on the estate or in the holiday resort. Thus, it is often not allowed to take dogs to the dining-hall or the swimming pool. It is common that the landlord can charge a certain amount per day and per animal on site. Please note that, in some facitilities, domestic aninmals are not welcome. <\/p><p><b>Distances and opening hours<\/b><\/p><p>The landlord usually estimates distances and opening hours. Distances sometimes correspond to the beeline and serve to your orientation. Skiing possibilities, lifts, rental possibilities, shopping facilities, restaurants and other announced facilities and itsopening hours often depend on the season and are not open all the year. The landlord has no influence on the shops and therefore, cannot guarantee the opening hours and distances. Differences might occur at any time. Distances to bathing possibilities refer to summer offers. The same applies to the indications to swimming pools. The distance to the water does not necessarily mean that there is a bathing possibility available. Many sporting offers assume that enough sun is available. The indications to ski lifts and other winter sports possibilities are based on the information of the landlord and\/or the operator from the previous year. In case of private facilities it is the respective owner who decides on the operation. Thus, it is possible, that ski lifts are not available as in the previous year and that indicated distances lose their validity for the current year. <\/p><\/div><div><div><p><b>Local tax and deposit<\/b><\/p><p>The local tax, also referred to as visitor\u2019s tax (touristic charge of the vacation spot or national charge) is generally charged additionally to the rental price. The amount depends on the regulation of the concerning commune and on a possible supplementary transfer charge, on the age of the tenants as well as partly on the rental period. Depending on the property description, it becomes due either at booking (payment in the country of booking) or at arrival (on site). It amounts vary by country, region and place between 0,80 and a maximum of 2,50 \u20ac per person and day. The age of all children travelling with you is to be stated at booking. If there is no age stated, we assume adults. At hand-over of keys your landlord will charge a deposit for the content of the rental property in the amount of at least 150,- \u20ac in cash. The money has to be prepared in cash in the specified currency as otherwise the hand-over of keys can be refused. Other amounts of the deposit are mentioned in the property description. The landlord on site effects the repayment after return of keys and proper return ofthe rental property. In doing so some landlords offset the deposit against the operating costs previously agreed upon. The landlord is obliged to the return of the deposit onsite. This is to be settled exclusively with the landlord.<\/p><\/div><div><p><b>Arrival, departure as well as habitation<\/b><\/p><p>Arrivals and departures are exclusively carried out individually. The approach should be planned depending on distance and equipment. The exact period is written on the voucher. If not the landlord will expect the arrival between 3 and 6 p.m. Delays should be in any case coordinated with the landlord, as otherwise he might give up waiting depending on the delay. The phone number for contact is on the voucher. Many landlords are working, do not live nearby your holiday home and have to go home by themselves. Departure should be effected not later than 10 am. Day of arrival and departure is usually Saturday. The arrival can partly be effected daily (especially during early and late season, at hotels according to the minimum stay of nights), so that stays divergent from the weekly basis are also possible. In that case, the times of arrival and departure mentioned above are valid. We would be glad to forward your special requests to the landlord. The tenant should in any case arrive at daylight, as some access roads are not to find straight away, just as in the dark or during the winter at snowfall or high snow. If the landlord referred to steep or natural access, lowered vehicles should not be used. Please note that, according to the altitude, some access roads are only to be mastered with snow chains and sand. The tenant should make all arrangements appropriate to the altitude of the place. An automobile club will be very helpful. <\/p><\/div><\/div><div><p><b>Obligations of the tenant<\/b><\/p><p>The tenant is obliged to treat the rental property with the greatest care and to keep the fixtures taken over entirely in the rental property. He is responsible for all persons renting the property jointly with him.<\/p><div><\/div><\/div><div><p><b>A) General terms and conditions of the intermediation<\/b><\/p><\/div><p> 1. The Interholiday AG (herein after referred to as agent) provides rental and accommodation agreements (herein after referred to as rental agreements) by order and authority for house owners, hoteliers and related enterprises (herein afterreferred to as landlord) offering the intermediation of holiday accommodations.The Interholiday AG solely acts as agent. The agent takes the information of the respective landlords and tenants for and on behalf of the respectively other party. The renting is effected on behalf and for account of the landlord.<br> 2. At reservations and bookings the landlords are represented by the agent. The agent is authorized by the landlords as general agent to take reservations, to confirm bookings, to claimand to collect due payments and charges as well as cancellation fees and to execute declarations on behalf of the landlord.<br> 3. The agent is obliged to provide the correct realisation of the intermediation. The equipment and quality of the rental property corresponds to the indications of the landlord (property description) and has been recorded, translated and offered by the agent in his database.<br> <br> <b>B) Reservations and bookings<\/b><br> 1. The tenant has the oppurtunity to reserve the favoured rental property orally, in writing, by fay, by e-mail or online.The binding reservation (booking)requires awritten note by the tenant (by letter, eMail or fax) to the agent and awritten confirmation (by letter, eMail or fax) by the agent to the landlord (booking confirmation\/invoice).<br> 2. Online bookings become effective bywritten confirmation by the agent to the tenant (booking confirmation\/invoice) by letter, eMail or fax.<br> 3. The booking confirmation\/invoice will be effected within 14 days. During that time the tenant is bound to his offer.The rental agreementwill not be effective until the remittance of the booking confirmation\/invoice.<br> 4. The tenant\u2019s booking is effective for all persons mentioned in the registration or, independend fromthemention, using the rental propertywithin the scope of the renting for whose contractual obligations the tenant is responsible for.<br> 5.Additional agreements and supplementsmust be inwriting andwill only be part of the rental agreement if they are contained in the booking confirmation\/reservation.<br> 6. If the booking confirmation\/invoice deviates fromthe property description, thus, it concerns a new offer. In that case the booking will only be binding if the tenant declares acceptation within a period of 10 days after receipt of the booking confirmation\/invoice or if he effects a paymentwithin this period.Otherwise the offer expires without need to further declaration.<br> 7. The transmission of the contract to a third party requires explicit confirmation in written form(booking confirmation\/invoice) by the agent.<br> <br> <b>C) Prices<\/b><br> 1. Rental prices are indicated in the property description. The rental price contains the services indicated by the landlord, all charges and commissions conjuncted with the intermediation including those of the agent.<br> 2. The indicated price for holiday houses and holiday flats is the price per rental property and per week. In case of stays of several weeks the prices of the respective seasons will be totalised. The indicated property prices do not include electricity, gas, water, bed linen and final cleaning, unless otherwise noted.<br> 3. Charges depending on the respective person like catering, local tax, fees of your agency, potential rates for desired travel insurances or potential dues (e.g. divergent arrival or shorter stay) are not included in the rental price and are charged seperately.<br> 4. Hotel tariff are indicated per person and per day unless otherwise noted in the property description. Exceptions are specified in the property description in the details of each property.<br> 5. Reductions for children are guaranteed for children who do not exceed the indicated age during the entire stay. (Note: Children are under 12 years old until the age of 12.) Infants accomodated free of charge in hotels are not entitled to have an own bed or catering.<br> 6. In case of booking of half-board, full board or all-inclusive in hotels, the first catering service is dinner at the day of arrival and the last catering service is breakfast at the day of departure.<br> 7. For entitled reasosn (exchange rate change) the landlord is authorised to increase the rental price. The increase of price is acceptable until 4 months the day before start of rental agreement. An increase of price of more than 5% entitles the tenant to withdraw from the rental agreement without paying a fee. We recommand the tenant in own interest to declare the withdrawal in writing. Otherwise the price adjustment is considered as accepted.<br> 8. The applicable rental price is the price indicated in the booking confirmation\/invoice. If deviations arise in the period between the booking and the booking confirmation\/invoice, thus, point B 6 (reservations and bookings) becomes valid.<br> 9. In the case of payment on site the required currency of the landlord is to pay even if the final invoice was issued in an other currency.<\/p><p><b>D) Number of persons and scope of services<\/b><br> The scope of services results from the property description. It is not allowed to occupy (either temporarily) a rental property by more persons (adults, children and babies) than indicated. The landlord is authorised to refuse the supernumery persons, to charge sperately alternative accomodation or to expel the tenant from the house without reimbursement of rent by reasons of violation of rental agreement. If the children\u2019s age is not stated, the landlord will assume adults.<\/p><p><b>E) Payments<\/b><br> 1. At remittance of the booking confirmation\/invoice a down payment of the total price falls due. At certain seasonal dates, the down payment might amount to the total price. At booking a down payment amounting to 25 % of the total price, though, at least CHF 150,- \/ EUR 100,- each property and week in the issued currency becomes due.<br> 2. Payments are to be effected in the required currency into the indicated account until the date (= Credited to the account) mentioned in the booking confirmation\/invoice. In case of agreed payments \u201con site\u201d, it is to be effected in cash in the indicated currency at the day of start of rental before the handover of keys.<br> 3. If the payments are not effected until the indicated dates, the landlord has the right to cancel the booking according to point I.<\/p><p><b>F) Voucher<\/b><br> 1. After receipt of payment of all payments due before start of rental according to the booking confirmation\/invoice (however, at the earliest 4 weeks before arrival for reasons of actuality) the tenant receives from the landlord a voucher entitling the tenant to use the booked rental property. The hand-over of keys for the rental property will be carried out at the place of hand-over of keys against voucher.<br> 2. On the voucher you find all necessary indications concerning your booked rental property and your landord.<\/p><p><b>G) Obligation to co-operate<\/b><br> 1. If the tenant finds damages at handover of the rental property or if the tenant has complaints regarding the property description, these damages are immediately to be announced to the landlord. As in such cases of divergencies it might be a fault of the intermediation service, the tenant is obliged to inform immediately the agent in order to give him the opportunity to find a remedy in case of violation of his obligation to intermediation.<br> 2. In case of complaints not being resolved by the landlord, it is recommended to agree immediately and carry out a reduction of rent with him. According to stipulation of the landlord the reduction is not carried out insofar as the tenant fails to announce the damages on site and to claim their elimination. In that case the tenant shall no longer be entitled to claim reduction from the rental agreement. Assertion of claims after end of rental is excluded. The agent cannot be held responsible for this.<br> 3. In case of impairment of performance the tenant is obliged to co-operate in the elimination, particularly to tolerate a property inspection by the landlord or his representative and to keep damages as slight as possible.<br> 4. At the departure, the rental property handed over the tenant with the purpose of utilisation is to be given back to the landlord in the same condition as handed over. Damages occurred during the time of rental are immediately to be announced to the landlord.<\/p><p><b>H) Basic and final cleaning<\/b><br> 1. The basic cleaning means the return of the rental property to the landlord in well-swept condition at the day of departure. This contains the removal of all food-waste, cleaning of the dishes and kitchenware as well as waste disposal by the tenant.<br> 2. The basic cleaning is to be effected by the tenant independently from the final cleaning.<br> 3. The following final cleaning by the landlord, that can be charged seperately depending on the property description or is included in the rental price, is effected indepentently from the basic cleaning.<\/p><p><b>I) Cancellation of the booking by the tenant<\/b><br> The tenant can at any time cancel his booking before start of rental. In the tenant\u2019s interest, the cancellation should be declared in writing. The decisive date of cancellation is the receipt of the cancellation at the agent as the landlord\u2019s representative. If the tenant cancels the booking or does not travel or arrives late, the landlord is allowed to demand adequate compensation for the rental arrangements made in advance, for the loss of rent and for other expenses. The amount generally bases on the amount of the rental price and can be claimed as lump sum. The calculation of the compensation usually takes into consideration saved expenses and other applications.<br> The lump summed claim of the landlord amounts to:<br> - 25 % of the rental price from the day of booking to 61 days before start of rental<br> - 50 % of the rental price from 60 to 55 days before start of rental<br> - 60 % of the rental price from 54 to 45 days before start of rental<br> - 70 % of the rental price from 44 to 35 days before start of rental<br> - 80 % of the rental price from 34 to 25 days before start of rental<br> - 85 % of the rental price from 24 to 15 days before start of rental<br> - 90 % of the rental price from 14 to 2 days before start of rental and<br> in case of later cancellation or absence from the rental property 95 % of the rental price, provided that no further conditions are indicated. The tenant is free to prove on an individual basis that the claimed expenses did not incur or amount less. We expressly reserve the right to assert the concrete damage.<\/p><p><b>J) Withdrawal by the landlord<\/b><br> 1. The landlord can at any time withdraw from the rental agreement by paying the rental price already paid, if the fulfilment of the contract became impossible for him. If applicable the landlord offers another property, provided that it is possible. In case of intermediation of an equal or better offer the rental agreement is to be considered fulfilled.<br> 2. Furthermore, the landlord can withdraw before start of rental or cancel after start of rental, if<br> - the tenant continously disturbs the realisation of the contract despite warning,<br> - the tenant acts contrary to contract, so that the immediate end of rental is reasonable or<br> - the tenant does not pay the rental price despite due-date<br> In these cases the claim of the landlord against the tenant is based on point I of these GTC.<\/p><p><b>K) Limitation of time and liability<\/b><br> 1. Contractual warranty claims of the tenant against the Interholiday AG shall be time barred after the expiry of one year. The limitation of time starts the day of the contractually designated end of rental. This does not apply to claims for damages resulting from the violation of life, body or health due to negligent or intended breach of duty of the Interholiday AG.<br> 2. The tenant is obliged to assert his contractual warranty claims against the Interholiday AG within one month after the contractual designated end of rental. This does not apply to claims for damages resulting from the violation of life, body or health due to negligent or intended breach of duty of the Interholiday AG.<br> 3. The liability of the Interholidy AG for contractual claims for damages, excepting bodily harm, is limited to the triple rental price, as far as the damage caused by the tenant is effected neither with intent, nor grossly negligent.<\/p><p><b>L) accomodation and handling fee<\/b><br> The Interholiday AG charges a commission amounting to CHF 29,- \/ EUR 19,- for successful intermediations. On your demand and after agreement by the tenant, different contract conditions (e.g. additional cot, modifications in occupancy, divergent arrival or departure, additional domestic animals, changes of names, special requests on site etc.) can be agreed. Therefor we charge an administrative charge amounting to CHF 25,- \/ EUR 15,- per document for additional work of adapting the contract, confirmation, reissuing of invoices and accounts, organisation, translation and documentation and further work.<\/p><p><b>M) Court of jurisdication<\/b><br> The court of jurisdication for all claims against the Interholiday AG is Zug, Switzerland.<\/p><p>Interholiday AG <br>Hinterbergstrasse 56<br>CH-6312 Steinhausen (ZG), Switzerland <br><br>Interholiday GmbH<br> Br\u00fchl 65 <br>D-04109 Leipzig, Germany<\/p><div style=\"margin-bottom:0cm; margin-bottom:.0001pt\"><\/div><p>holiday home \u00ae is a registered trademark in the European Patent and Trademark Office and the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA).<\/p><\/div>","footer.gtc.title":"GTC","footer.gtc.url":"https:\/\/www.holiday-home.org\/en\/gtc\/","footer.helpList.email.title":"service@holidayhome.net","footer.helpList.email.url":"service@holidayhome.net","footer.helpList.header":"We promise!","footer.helpList.icons.header":"fhn-icon-promise","footer.helpList.icons.mail":"fhn-icon-email","footer.helpList.icons.phone":"fhn-icon-phone","footer.helpList.phoneNumber":"0049-30-31196633","footer.helpList.phoneNumberLabel":"0049-30-31196633","footer.helpList.subHeader":"We are here to help.","footer.helpList.workingHours":"Monday - Friday from 8am to 8pm","footer.imprint.html":"<div id=\"c19755\" class=\"csc-frame csc-frame-default\"><h1>Legal notice<\/h1><h3>holiday home AG<\/h3><p>Is responsible as a mediator (in the following called \u201choliday home\u201d) for the correct display, customer service and contract mediation of holiday houses- and hotel accommodations of certified mediators of holiday houses and hotels, travel agencies, travel operators and other tourism providers as well as all services concerning this product (in the following called \u201cprovider\u201d).<\/p><p>holiday home \u00ae is a registered trademark at the European Patent and Trademark Office and as well as at the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA).<\/p><h3>The offers<\/h3><p>On this website all offers are provided from third parties and are available for the customers of holiday home. holiday home imports this data and update it constantly as well as mediates these offers of the providers. holiday home acts in place of the customer to the provider and the provider to the customer. In the process holiday home feels especially committed to the customers and will do anything to preserve their interests. However the customer completes in each case a contract with a provider about the holiday accommodation or journey (booking). For this reason holiday home will attach always the term and conditions of the respective provider, which has to consider as the condition of a booking.<\/p><h3>Contact<\/h3><table class=\"csc-frame-frame1 csc-frame-frame2\"> <thead> <tr><th scope=\"col\">Operator of the website<\/th><\/tr> <\/thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>holiday home AG<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Hinterbergstrasse 56<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>CH-6312 Steinhausen<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Switzerland<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Entry in the commercial register Zug: CH-<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>Tax ID: CHE-114.435.942<\/td> <\/tr> <tr> <td>email: <a href=\"mailto:service@holiday-home.org\">service@holiday-home.org<\/a><\/td> <\/tr> <\/tbody> <\/table><p>Authorized representative: Matthias Henschel<br> eMail: <a href=\"mailto:service@holiday-home.org\" title=\"mailto: service@holiday-home.org\" class=\"mail\">service@holiday-home.org<\/a><\/p><p>Administrator: Heiko Dietz<\/p><p>Online Editorial: Alexander Claashen<\/p><h3>Disclaimer<\/h3><p>The contents of this website were created with great care. However the statements do not represent completeness. The up-to-dateness of the website always corresponds to the time of research. Misprints and mistakes might occur. The content of the linked pages have been checked at the time of linking our website to external sites. Changes of these websites (and all other sub sites or other linked sites) are not possible for us to control anymore. For this reason we dissociate ourselves from all the contents of any websites linked to or from holiday home.<\/p><p><a href=\"https:\/\/www.holiday-home.org\/en\/privacy-policy\/\" title=\"Privacy Police\" class=\"internal-link\">Privacy Police<\/a><\/p><h3>Photo credits<\/h3><ul style=\"list-style-type:disc;list-style-position: inside;\"><li>Staatliches italienisches Fremdverkehrsamt ENIT<\/li> <li>\u00d6sterreich Werbung Wien<\/li> <li>Tourismusverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.<\/li><ul style=\"list-style-type:circle;list-style-position: inside;margin: 0 0 0 1em;\"><li>Messerschmidt \/ TMV (1)<\/li> <li>B\u00f6ttcher \/ TMV (2)<\/li> <li>Werk 3 \/ TMV (7)<\/li> <li>Kliem \/ TMV (5)<\/li> <li>Engler \/ TV FDZ (1)<\/li> <li>Rietschel \/ TV FDZ (1)<\/li><\/ul><li>PIXELIO<\/li> <li>R\u00fcgen Ph\u00f6nix Appartements<\/li> <li>Archiv des Tourismusverbandes Vogtland e.V.<\/li> <li>Tourismusverband Dahme-Seen e.V.<\/li> <li>Naturwacht im Naturpark Barnim<\/li> <li>TV Elbe-Elster-Land<\/li> <li>Tourismusverband Ruppiner Seenland<\/li> <li>CMT Cottbus Congress, Messe & Touristik GmbH<\/li> <li>Zweckverband Lausitzer Seenland Brandenburg<\/li> <li>Kultur-, Sport- u. Tourismusbetrieb Wittenberge\/Gerhard Baack<\/li> <li>Tourismusverband Fischland-Dar\u00df-Zingst<\/li> <li>Bad Muskau Touristik GmbH<\/li> <li>Touristinformation Naturpark Altm\u00fchltal<\/li> <li>Stadt Karlstadt<\/li> <li>TV Fr\u00e4nkisches Weinland\/Andreas Hub<\/li> <li>Markt Garmisch-Partenkirchen<\/li> <li>Bayerisches Staatsbad Kur-GmbH Bad Reichenhall\/Bayerisch Gmain<\/li> <li>Berchtesgadener Land Tourismus GmbH<\/li> <li>Chiemgau Tourismus e.V.<\/li> <li>Pfalzwein e.V.<\/li> <li>Westerwald Touristik-Service<\/li> <li>www.slovakia.travel<\/li><\/ul><\/div>","footer.imprint.title":"Legal Notive","footer.imprint.url":"https:\/\/www.holidayhome.net\/en\/legal-notice","footer.mediate.title":"dispute settlement","footer.mediate.url":"https:\/\/www.holiday-home.org\/en\/personal-request\/contact\/","footer.secureList.header":"Fair and safe reservation","footer.secureList.icons.header":"fhn-icon-fair-and-safe","footer.secureList.items.easyBooking":"Simply %1book or request a quote%2","footer.secureList.items.fairRules":"%1Fair rules%2 for fair behaviour","footer.secureList.items.secureSsl":"%1SSL encryption%2 for more security","footer.secureList.subHeader":"Personal contact at any time","footer.selectCurrency":"Choose your currency","footer.selectLanguage":"Choose your language","footer.slogan":"We bring guests and hosts together. 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Holiday house with terrace, balcony and barbecue in the garden
It was a perfect match. We have been there for the third time and it will not be the last time.
Ellen K., Off Berlin, Germany, traveled in Oktober 2019
We really liked the holiday home, you could sit comfortably by the fireplace. It is very quiet, you can go on beautiful hikes. The landlord was very helpful.
Renate W., Off Nienburg (saale), Germany, traveled in Dezember 2019
The playroom was a huge highlight. We were there with 8 children between one and eight years old and they used it very well. The chic, new rooms and bathrooms are also great. There is space to play outside and you are in the forest in five minutes. Our hosts were very friendly and helpful. Thanks for that!
Ulrike V., Off Rostock, Germany, traveled in Februar 2020
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